Pain definitely is not in your head, nor is it exclusively in you’re tissue. It’s always

Pain definitely is not in your head, nor is it exclusively in you’re tissue. It’s always real even in amputees with “phantom pain”. In fact, the more chronic the pain is the more it’s an output of your nervous system from a “Neuro tag”. This happens when a pain pathway becomes sensitized through repeated stimulation … Read morePain definitely is not in your head, nor is it exclusively in you’re tissue. It’s always

Don’t let someone tell you you’re vulnerable. You’re built to last! Science says most of

Don’t let someone tell you you’re vulnerable. You’re built to last! Science says most of these conclusions or so-called diagnosis are just out-dated & dangerous labels. We’re designed move. First move well then move often. Find out which option is best suited for you!

Under-preparation causing injury or in this case death. A familiar problem. “It’s not the load that breaks

Under-preparation causing injury or in this case death. A familiar problem. “It’s not the load that breaks you down it’s the load you’re not prepared for” The gap between life span & health span is growing Major need to enhance sustainable musculoskeletal integrity – participation, activity & independence. Link:

Deaths from falls in those 65 and older in the US have increased from 18,000 to 30,000 per year. Overprotecting the

Deaths from falls in those 65 and older in the US have increased from 18,000 to 30,000 per year. Overprotecting the elderly paradoxically increases the risk of a fall. In the hospital 90% of the time an elderly person is sedentary – leing or sitting. They are already physiologically predisposed to weakness. So it makes … Read moreDeaths from falls in those 65 and older in the US have increased from 18,000 to 30,000 per year.

Overprotecting the

Resistance Exercise Reverses Ageing in Human Skeletal Muscle ❇️ Gene expression associated with ageing is reversed to youthful levels

Resistance Exercise Reverses Ageing in Human Skeletal Muscle ❇️ Gene expression associated with ageing is reversed to youthful levels after 6 months of strength training ❇️ Muscle quality in the elderly can return to that of younger adults

“Physical activity and exercise therapy not only improve symptoms and impairments of OA, but are also effective in

“Physical activity and exercise therapy not only improve symptoms and impairments of OA, but are also effective in preventing at least 35 chronic conditions and treating at least 26 chronic conditions, with one of the potential working mechanisms being exercise-induced anti-inflammatory effects.”

Avoid interventions with high downside risk. Higher value options exist (better benefit/cost ratio). Sustainable approach. Think upstream.

Avoid interventions with high downside risk. Higher value options exist (better benefit/cost ratio). Sustainable approach. Think upstream. Reassurance & reactivation. Avoid trusting those with no “skin in the game”. They benefit weather you do or not. Trust. Link: