“Physical activity and exercise therapy not only improve symptoms and impairments of OA, but are also effective in

“Physical activity and exercise therapy not only improve symptoms and impairments of OA, but are also effective in preventing at least 35 chronic conditions and treating at least 26 chronic conditions, with one of the potential working mechanisms being exercise-induced anti-inflammatory effects.” https://www.jospt.org/#/doi/full/10.2519/jospt.2018.7877

Avoid interventions with high downside risk. Higher value options exist (better benefit/cost ratio). Sustainable approach. Think upstream.

Avoid interventions with high downside risk. Higher value options exist (better benefit/cost ratio). Sustainable approach. Think upstream. Reassurance & reactivation. Avoid trusting those with no “skin in the game”. They benefit weather you do or not. Trust. Link: https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/doctors-prescribed-me-pain-meds-but-offered-no-help-when-i-got-hooked/2017/01/20/d68a0f42-c171-11e6-9578-0054287507db_story.html

In case you haven’t read the Lancet expose on the low back related disability epidemic here it

In case you haven’t read the Lancet expose on the low back related disability epidemic here it is. https://www.cathrynjakobsonramin.com/articles-from-the-lancet Link: https://www.cathrynjakobsonramin.com/articles-from-the-lancet

“…it is always a good idea to eat a nutritious, unprocessed diet that includes foods that help quell

“…it is always a good idea to eat a nutritious, unprocessed diet that includes foods that help quell inflammation (and avoids foods known to trigger inflammation), which may, at least in theory, help to rebuild the gut lining and bring more balance to the gut flora.” Link: https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/leaky-gut-what-is-it-and-what-does-it-mean-for-you-2017092212451

❇️ Up to 40% of cancers are preventable ❇️ 1/6 of deaths globally are caused by cancer ❇️ > 50% of the typical modern western

❇️ Up to 40% of cancers are preventable ❇️ 1/6 of deaths globally are caused by cancer ❇️ > 50% of the typical modern western diet is made up of ultra-processed foods Related article on processed food consumption. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2018/may/23/obesity-now-linked-to-12-different-cancers Link: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2018/may/23/obesity-now-linked-to-12-different-cancers