Arthritis management is not adhering to evidence. Learn the facts so health span < life span. Stay positive. You’

Arthritis management is not adhering to evidence. Learn the facts so health span < life span. Stay positive. You’re not fragile. ⬆️ strength ➡️ ⬆️ resilence & ⬇️ sensitivity.

“The Lancet Series highlighted that more care does not mean better care. More aggressive treatments for low back

“The Lancet Series highlighted that more care does not mean better care. More aggressive treatments for low back pain have little proven benefit and have the potential to make things significantly worse for patients. There is no evidence that routine back imaging (being sent for an x-ray or scan) improves outcomes, but patients referred for … Read more“The Lancet Series highlighted that more care does not mean better care. More aggressive treatments for low back

Competition comes at a cost. But, for the rest of us our goal is sustainable activity so that

Competition comes at a cost. But, for the rest of us our goal is sustainable activity so that we maintain our health & fitness. Moderation is key. Not too much or too little so that we avoid the modern dilemma of life span > health span. “the 16-time grand slam winner would trade a few … Read moreCompetition comes at a cost. But, for the rest of us our goal is sustainable activity so that

“Exercise therapy should be recommended as the treatment of choice for middle-aged and older patients with degenerative meniscal

“Exercise therapy should be recommended as the treatment of choice for middle-aged and older patients with degenerative meniscal lesions.” Position paper –

Beware of anecdotes. Creates a nightmare of choice in the low back pain field. Especially in the Internet

Beware of anecdotes. Creates a nightmare of choice in the low back pain field. Especially in the Internet age with information overload. Follow this page for regular updates on Scientific evidence re: musculoskeletal conditions, return to participation, return to sport, & return to performance. My goal is to provide you with the first principles for … Read moreBeware of anecdotes. Creates a nightmare of choice in the low back pain field. Especially in the Internet

Exercise improves intermittent claudication leg pain on walking ?‍♂️??‍♀️?