Lumbar spine fusion a very over-rated procedure.
Lumbar spine fusion a very over-rated procedure. We’ve had evidence for this for a long time.
Lumbar spine fusion a very over-rated procedure. We’ve had evidence for this for a long time.
Health span & life span are not equal. Life span has expanded enormously yet since the 1970’s health span has been shrinking due to – sedentarism – overeating & processed foods Lifestyle factors are equally deleterious in wealthy & poor countries. We can expand health span. Your body is build to last not to break! … Read moreHealth span & life span are not equal.
Your biological age does not equal your chronological age. They are not the same! You can influence your health span by for instance staying active. Don’t let pain stand in your way. It’s a challenge. Find an expert to help you regain & maintain your activity tolerance. Living longer but with a poor quality of … Read moreYour biological age does not equal your chronological age.
Open access. Important advice providing reassurance & reactivation for patients suffering disabling pain. Cracks the code on how people can ❇️ Return to Participation ❇️ Return to Play/Activity/Sport ❇️ Return to Sport Regain resilence to enjoy a long & active Health Span Link:
“Between 1981 and 1997, detailed time-use studies showed that the time children spent at play declined by 25% Since the adoption of sweeping education reforms in 2001, public schools have steadily increased the amount of time devoted to preparing for standardized tests. The focus on academic “skills and drills” has cut deeply into recess and … Read more“Between 1981 and 1997, detailed time-use studies showed that the time children spent at play declined by 25% Since the adoption
❇️ “It is alarming how many surgeries may have been completed unnecessarily and with little gain,” ❇️ “exercise was the new treatment “front-runner” ahead of invasive surgeries and medications.” ❇️ “ultrasound, MRI and CT scans are not needed to diagnose OA and can lead to harmful interventions.” Excessive_Imaging_for_Musculoskeletal_Problems Healthy_Aging The_Inactivity_Crisis Overutilization_of_Surgery Knee Link:
Back pain affects 50% if pregnant women. Train for life. Stay in shape Low_Back_Problems_and_Sciatica Neck_and_Headache
New CDC report on inactivity ❇️ Onky 22.9% of US adults (18-64y) meet 2008 CDC physical activity guidelines ❇️ >=2x muscle-strengthening activities ❇️ plus >=150min moderate aerobic physical activity ❇️ or >=75min vigorous aerobic physical activity Healthy_Aging The_Inactivity_Crisis Link:
“A sedentary lifestyle puts strain on virtually every system in the body. More than a leading cause of type 2 diabetes, heart disease and many cancers, it affects our mood and state of mind, which can lead to long-term anxiety and depression.” Link:
selfefficacy athleticsustainability It’s not the load that breaks you down it’s the load you’re not prepared for. @gabbetttim Most exercises targeting his squat/lunge pattern were painful. This hip dominant one wasn’t. grit learnitall firstprinciplesofmovement lasportsandspine toolband drummer dannycarey Goal is sustainable athleticism @lairdhamiltonsurf Learn from your past. Develop resilency/sustainability mindset. Anti-fragile optionality. @lasportsandspine