Beware of anecdotes. Creates a nightmare of choice in the low back pain field. Especially in the Internet May 10, 2018
“Exercise therapy should be recommended as the treatment of choice for middle-aged and older patients with degenerative meniscal May 10, 2018
Repairs for full thickness rotator cuff tears no clinical difference between surgical & non-operative management. Patients beware of aggressive May 10, 2018
Huge news!! Starting in November Spinal Fusions will no longer be funded in Australia. Excessive_Imaging_for_Musculoskeletal_ May 10, 2018
“Almost every country over-reimbursing procedures that don’t work for knee OA and under-funding exercise-based programs. Germany looks to May 10, 2018
Chronic pain needn’t disable you or drive you to taking medications, requiring injections or surgery. Chronic pain May 10, 2018
Great article about my friend Pr Stuart McGill’s research on safe back exercises to build resilence May 10, 2018