Chronic pain needn’t disable you or drive you to taking medications, requiring injections or surgery. Chronic pain

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Chronic pain needn’t disable you or drive you to taking medications, requiring injections or surgery. Chronic pain is NOT similar to acute pain. “After an Injury tissues heal, but the nervous system learns to guard & protect which outlasts the injury or pain onset”.

Addressing over-protective patterns is job 1 of reducing the sensitivity of pain. It is normal for “the hurt that you feel to become the feeling that you hurt”. At LASS our approach is to reverse this process & give you your life back. “If you want your body to feel better feel your body move better”

You may have heard “the motion is the lotion”. Well not every hurt = harm. It’s not “no pain no gain” at LASS so we will guide you towards sustainable reactivation after we reassure you that your pain is not an input due to an active tissue injury or tissue pathology but rather due an output from the nervous system being over-protective.


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