“A rotator cuff tear is one of the most common diseases among shoulder disorders…

“A rotator cuff tear is one of the most common diseases among shoulder disorders in our daily practice. Given the fact that conservative treatment is effective in patients with rotator cuff tears1,2 and that the clinical outcome of re-tear patients after surgery is as good as those with successful repair,3 it is most likely that … Read more“A rotator cuff tear is one of the most common diseases among shoulder disorders…

Is it time to reframe how we care for people with non-traumatic musculoskeletal pain?

https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/52/24/1543 “The majority of persistent non-traumatic musculoskeletal pain disorders do not have a pathoanatomical diagnosis that adequately explains the individual’s pain experience and disability.” “structural changes observed on imaging that are highly prevalent in pain free populations, such as rotator cuff tears, intervertebral disc degeneration, labral tears and cartilage changes, are ascribed to individuals as … Read moreIs it time to reframe how we care for people with non-traumatic musculoskeletal pain?

‘Inactivity is an ongoing pandemic’: the life-saving impact of moving your body

Every Move Counts! We have a worldwide inactivity crisis. ❇️ 25% of adults are almost completely inactive, exerting themselves for less than 30 minutes a week. ❇️ 80% of children fail to amass the hour a day of movement ❇️ 1/6 deaths are due to physical inactivity. ❇️ “If we don’t use our biggest muscles, … Read more‘Inactivity is an ongoing pandemic’: the life-saving impact of moving your body

Health education through football (soccer): the ‘11 for health’ programme as a success story on implementation: learn, play and have fun!

Physical inactivity is one of the biggest public health threats of this century It “greatly increases the risk of non-communicable diseases.” “Prior to the pandemic, physical inactivity was already a critical issue” a WHO survey of 1.6 million participants in 146 countries showed – ❇️ 81% of children and adolescents aged 11–17 “were not active … Read moreHealth education through football (soccer): the ‘11 for health’ programme as a success story on implementation: learn, play and have fun!

Skeletal muscle density and cognitive function: the body-brain crosstalk | disruptr

It is evident that age-related muscle deterioration links with cognitive decline. For example, muscle strength and gait speed are associated with attention and psychomotor function. muscle health can support brain health, with the suggestion that maintaining and building muscle mass and strength might delay the onset of conditions like dementia. assessed their body composition, including … Read moreSkeletal muscle density and cognitive function: the body-brain crosstalk | disruptr


Muscle mass and strength in obstructive lung disease: a smoking gun? “Existing data no longer support the concept that skeletal muscle dysfunction is a manifestation of severe COPD but rather a problem that can exist before the onset of symptoms.” https://thorax.bmj.com/content/thoraxjnl/66/11/933.full.pdf #Healthy_Aging #The_Inactivity_Crisis thorax.bmj.com View original post on FB Posted to FB on 2021-02-01 16:57:31

30m/day moderate to vigorous physical activity prevents disabling issues. In a n…

30m/day moderate to vigorous physical activity prevents disabling issues. In a nutshell “huff & puff”. + 2x/week strength training + Don’t sit too long w/out breaks Most key. Start adding any amount of activity. You’re greatest gains come from simply starting. #Healthy_Aging #The_Inactivity_Crisis https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/54/24/1451 View original post on FB Posted to FB on 2021-01-27 02:24:03