❇️ “Regular participation in physical activity, such as walking ≥6000 steps/day, reduces the risk of functional limitation in people

❇️ “Regular participation in physical activity, such as walking ≥6000 steps/day, reduces the risk of functional limitation in people with knee OA.” ❇️ daily walking & TKR risk??‍♀️ If you are > 65 years old ➡️12% less likely to have TKR for each additional 1000 steps/day & ➡️ 52% less likely to have TKR if … Read more❇️ “Regular participation in physical activity, such as walking ≥6000 steps/day, reduces the risk of functional limitation in people

❇️ a pain mechanism other than the nerve root entrapment ➡️ the sciatica ❇️ magnetic resonance imaging doesn’t correlate with

❇️ a pain mechanism other than the nerve root entrapment ➡️ the sciatica ❇️ magnetic resonance imaging doesn’t correlate with severity of sciatica Link: https://journals.lww.com/spinejournal/Pages/articleviewer.aspx?year=2001&issue=04010&article=00015&type=Abstract

Typical belief of a patient – “I thought fixing my back would be as straightforward as fixing a broken

Typical belief of a patient ✅ “I thought fixing my back would be as straightforward as fixing a broken wrist. I’d find a surgeon and get it done” The medication problem ✅ “It is a struggle for patients and clinicians everywhere to resist pain medication that is incredibly effective in the short term, even if … Read moreTypical belief of a patient – “I thought fixing my back would be as straightforward as fixing a broken

“without a detailed history — your story, and physical exam it is impossible to determine if the findings on

“without a detailed history — your story, and physical exam it is impossible to determine if the findings on the MRI are potentially the source of your pain.” Shoulder MRI will almost always find something wrong Shoulder MRI findings do not often require treatment Link: https://www.howardluksmd.com/shoulder-pain/mri-findings-in-people-with-no-pain/

Wow. Damning statement. “A series on low back pain by the global medical journal The Lancet outlined that

Wow. Damning statement. “A series on low back pain by the global medical journal The Lancet outlined that most sufferers aren’t getting the most effective treatment. The articles state that recommended first-line treatments – such as advice to stay active and to exercise – are often overlooked. Instead, many health professionals seem to favour less … Read moreWow. Damning statement. “A series on low back pain by the global medical journal The Lancet outlined that

“There has been a dramatic drop in how much we move around our houses and workplaces. Much of

“There has been a dramatic drop in how much we move around our houses and workplaces. Much of the time we used to spend on the move is now spent sitting” “Move more at any intensity – the more the better.” Link: https://theconversation.com/moving-around-has-big-health-benefits-and-now-we-know-how-big-95808

Goals: – Personalise care for people with shoulder pain – Ensure that people receive the care that is

Goals: – Personalise care for people with shoulder pain – Ensure that people receive the care that is best for them & avoid unnecessary investigations and treatments. – Shoulder impingement and frozen shoulder, affect one in five adults – It can be very painful, affecting sleep, work, and day-to-day life. – 40% experience ongoing pain … Read moreGoals:
– Personalise care for people with shoulder pain
– Ensure that people receive the care that is