Why too much medical treatment is causing more harm than good

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Hippocratic Oath – First do no harm.

Musculoskeletal medicine is in a free fall. Practitioners of all stripes over-estimate the benefit of what they do & under-estimate the risk or downside.

“too many drugs are being prescribed, too much surgery is being performed, and there are too many unhelpful tests, scans, and overdiagnosis.”

As a result we are in a “super wicked crisis” in MSP w: evidence-discordant care the status quo. This is fueled by the vested interests of a procedure based health system, outdated or impractical educational programs, insurance company reimbursement practices that value low value care over supported self-management & education, patient expectations for a causal explanation & “fix it” approach.



Why too much medical treatment is causing more harm than good

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Posted to FB on 2022-07-09 01:44:02

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