Sometimes our joints just hurt, and it’s ok not to know why

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“Many MRI “abnormalities” are, well… normal.”

“Imagine this; you’re a runner, you’re 52… there’s a 20% chance that you have a meniscus tear. Remember, these tears are very often not a cause of pain. One day your knee hurts… well— because these things happen. You go for an MRI. The meniscus tear is seen… but we can’t date these tears; we do not know when it occurred. Now you are exposed to the rising overtreatment wave in the US healthcare system. You might stop running because you think you’re injuring yourself. You might be told to stop running. Heck, you might be told you “need” an operation. All because you had an age-appropriate finding and some knee pain. How many 50+-year-old runners never have knee pain? Very few.”


Sometimes our joints just hurt, and it’s ok not to know why

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Posted to FB on 2022-04-17 20:44:38

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