Recommended physical activity and all cause and cause specific mortality in US adults: prospective cohort study

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"Evidence is growing for the protective effect of higher physical activity levels in preventing many chronic diseases (such as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer) and in reducing all cause mortality."

"we found that those who engaged in both aerobic and muscle strengthening activities consistent with the recommended 2018 physical activity guidelines for Americans showed a reduced risk of all cause mortality (40% reduction)."

"Using a large nationally representative sample of US adults, we found that those who engaged in both aerobic and muscle strengthening activities consistent with the recommended 2018 physical activity guidelines for Americans showed a reduced risk of all cause mortality (40% reduction)."

"the study was a prospective cohort study based on data from a large (n=479 856) nationally representative survey among US adults."

"Among the 479 856 eligible US adults between 1997 and 2014, however, only 15.9% (n=76 384) fully met the guidelines (that is, engaged in recommended aerobic and muscle strengthening activities)."

"This highlights that education programmes should include information on the health benefits of physical activity, and well equipped facilities should be developed to facilitate increased physical activity among US adults."

Diana Wang is offering Physical Therapy & Athletic Training services starting Tuesday at LASS.
Matthew Berenc is offering Private 1:1 Personal Training/Coaching services starting Tuesday at LASS.
Keita Minakawa has been offering Group Exercise Training for my patients Live on Zoom to build Sustainable Strength (3x/week)
I am available for New Patients on Zoom to offer TeleHealth Evaluations for anyone interested in improving their health and function. Especially if you have a painful condition or which to be proactive & prevent one from being disabling. Please feel free to email me at

According to Harvard researchers the # of candles we blow out at our birthday should correlated to our BIOLOGICAL not CHRONOLOGICAL age. We now know that you can lower you're biological age by 9-19 years by joining the 15.9% of people who meet the US & international Physical Activity Guidelines of 75 minutes of moderate intensity activity/week or 150 minutes of light-moderate intensity activity/week (30 min/day for 5 days), PLUS 2x/week muscle strengthening exercises.

"Lack of time is, however, one important barrier for people to meet the guidelines." Let us help you with our flexible programs.


Recommended physical activity and all cause and cause specific mortality in US adults: prospective cohort study

Objective To determine the association between recommended physical activity according to the 2018 physical activity guidelines for Americans and all cause and cause specific mortality using a nationally representative sample of US adults. Design Population based cohort study. Setting National Healt…

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Posted to FB on 2020-07-02 18:36:14

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