Recommended levels of physical activity reduce individuals’ risks of seven different cancers

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“Researchers observed a statistically significant association between engaging in recommended levels of activity each week and individuals’ lower risks of developing seven of the 15 different cancer types studied. This association was often dose dependent; cancer risk decreased more with each incremental increase in participants’ levels of weekly physical activity.”

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>10% reduced risk of developing colon or breast cancer, but add that to reduced risk of CVD, diabetes, dementia and metal illness! Recommended levels of physical activity reduce individuals' risks of seven different cancers



Recommended levels of physical activity reduce individuals’ risks of seven different cancers

The results of a new pooled analysis, involving data on over 750,000 individuals, suggest that recommended amounts of physical activity are linked with lower risks of seven different types of cancers.

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Posted to FB on 2020-01-05 18:24:30

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