“Degenerative disc disease is a commonly used term to diagnose an age-related condition that happens when one or more of the discs between the vertebrae of the spinal column changes shape and size,” says Elaine Lonnemann, president of AAOMPT. “These changes are a normal process of aging and not linked to a disease. The use of the term ‘disease’ to diagnose these changes misinforms patients and may lead to unnecessary treatment. We believe that this term does more harm than good.”

AAOMPT says patients often react to the label ‘degenerative disc disease’ by losing hope and seeking more invasive and higher-risk treatments. They avoid beneficial physical activity for fear that exercise and movement will worsen their condition, possibly leading to chronic pain. The majority of spinal pain is self-limiting and can be managed appropriately without the need for medications or risky procedures such as injections or surgery.”




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Posted to FB on 2019-10-27 16:30:15

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