Very well done video explaining how “normal” most so-called abnormalities

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Very well done video explaining how “normal” most so-called abnormalities on x-ray or imaging really are. Normal age-related structural findings have very little correlation with pain. The good news is that arthritic or imaging findings are not a sentence to have pain. There is a lot you can do to stay functional.

Are your x-ray and MRI results helpful or harmful?

This is a great video made by FXNL Media where Bahram Jam PT explains how common "abnormalities" seen on an MRI are! :)How we communicate those abnormalities to our patients is very important.Are the X-ray and MRI results helpful or harmful?Sometimes it can be very useful to have an MRI or X-ray, when you suspect a fracture, cauda equina syndrome, malignancies and other red flags.Most of the time, the "abnormalities", seen on an MRI and X-ray are just normal changes.We have grey hair and wrinkles on the outside… those changes we see also on the inside.Good to know, and very good to explain your patient this! :)You can watch the full video and podcast here btw:

Posted by Trust me, I'm a Physiotherapist on Sunday, March 19, 2017

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